Friday, 1 January 2010

Five Things

Reflecting on the year gone by, many of us make resolutions for the next. And then the year after that, most of us realise that we didn't really keep those resolutions, and often go on to make the same ones again. This forgetfulness is a miraculous feature of the human experience, and I'm sure without the boon of mild oblivion most of us would go mad.

Anyway, here are the Five Things That I Really REALLY Should Have Learnt By Now, But Will STILL End Up Forgetting For 2010

1. If you stay in bed for just five more minutes, it'll be a helluva lot longer than five minutes.
2. If something seems too good to be true, alarm bells should ring in your head.
3. If you're going to jizz, don't do it before morning prayer.
4. Putting things in a safe place means you won't be able to find them.
5. You won't keep your resolutions, so don't make them.

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