Sunday, 3 January 2010

Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty [PS3]

Play it for:
* Rusty Pete the pirate
* moves the story on

Avoid it for:
* Inferior in every way to Tools of Destruction

1 comment:

  1. OK, first off, I was really ecstatic to have been able to get this game brand new for £10, when I'd been searching for it for a while. (Glad I held back, I don't think it's really worth more than a tenner.)

    The saving grace of this game is the piratey-ness. It falls short of Tools of Destruction in many ways...

    * Size (which is forgiveable)
    * Gameplay variety
    * Inferior weapon system
    * Less exploration/more linear
    * Lack of extras
    * NO CLANK!!!

    There were a couple of innovations with the omniwrench, which sounded pretty awesome in principle, but don't think they quite lived up to it in practice.

    Anyway, noticeably inferior to ToD, but still moved the story along and did have some fun piratey moments along the way. Plus, it sets me nicely on my way to my 20 game resolution for 2010!
