Monday, 24 August 2009

Professor Leyton & the Curious Village [DS]

Play it for:
* atmospheric, claustrophobic story.
* great animated cutscenes.
* sense of achievement.

Avoid it for:
* tricksiness gets you wrongly second-guessing some ambiguously worded puzzles.


  1. Bought copies also for two of my siblings as xmas presents. Neither could put it down, and both completed the main storyline by 27th December. My middle brother is certainly not a gamer, and my sister isn't one for mental games, so it's really a testimony to how great this game is that they both loved it so much. (Whereas for me it would be an obvious choice).

    Also, I now have the second one, Pandora's Box. Let's see how that goes!

  2. Right, let's knock out another quick review. This game was perfect for me. A twisted and claustrophobic mystery. Gorgeous animation sequences. Loads of unlockable extras. And of course the 180 mental puzzles themselves.

    The game is perfect for commuting on public transport and playing during breaks. It also made me feel smart!

    One of the end puzzles i did without hints. It took an hour and a half of scribbling but i was sooo chuffed when i solved it.

    There is an occasionally crap puzzle. There's one about scales on the moon's gravity that doesn't even distinguish properly between mass and weight. But the odd lapse doesn't detract from the excellence of everything else.

    I can't wait for the two sequels. Plus i've bought another copy as a gift for someone else.
