Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Poetry Exercise 1

Done my first poetry exercise from the book I bought. Basic iambic pentameters.

My boss is sitting opposite me now.
What is he thinking? That's what I would know.

Last night the weather hot and sultry was;
I wish a cooler temp'rature tonight.

A worm, a bird, a fox, a man, a worm.
A circle stretches round us ev'ry one.

This pencil writes; this rubber hates it all.

A fruity loaf for lunch but none for tea.

The changeling man has died. I shall not mourn
a life so filled with lies as this one was.

I work for poor and needy human beings.

My Hindu mate will love this line the most.


  1. Later did another...

    'Tis Karno's birthday, this line's just for him,
    And this one too, to show how much he means.

  2. Hey i really liked this. I kid you not
    especially this line: This pencil writes; this rubber hates it all.
    I thnk the imagery is great, short and concise but deep and suraface at the same time
